MOTTO for Team Feitl: Seek First His Kingdom


There is no guarantee everything will end the way I want or on my timetable;

but if I put Jesus first in every decision and circumstance then I can trust Him completely for the result.


4 STAGES to building a positive FAMILY LEGACY

A family can enter into this process at any stage. Because God is faithful, they can trust Him to achieve a positive legacy for their family even if they are beginning at Stage 2, 3 or 4


Step 1 Build your MODEL.

As a young family just starting life together, begin by building a model of what you want to see completed in 50 years. The shape of the model should be tailored to your family’s unique composition, traditions, and future goals but the shape of the model is not as important

as the commitment to have and follow a model.

Each of the 4 stages should have 3 subcategories of

Headship, Memorialize, Model


Step 2 Identify your MILESTONES

As a family that has been blessed with children who are growing into young adulthood (12-18 yrs old) these years provide an

excellent opportunity to identify, document and celebrate milestones wherever you see God’s hand slowly accomplishing things

you have prayed and believed for.


Step 3: Assume your role of MENTOR

As your children transition into adulthood the parenting role changes significantly. Every child will move into this new phase at a different rate. Some will finish high school, get a job, move out of their room at home

and start living independently.

Others may move out to attend college but maintain an emotional tether to their childhood home and family until graduation and then get married.

Others find their own path that may be completely different from any of their siblings but better fit their personalities and giftedness.


Step 4: Pass on the MANTLE of Headship

As the head of the household ages and the role grandparenting grows larger the time also approaches when handing off the leadership from the Patriarch to the

next generation is in order. This moment offers an often missed opportunity to bless the family and pass the baton of headship in a manner that will elevate the family’s best memories and encourage the growing family in new and exciting ways. The timing and shape of such a moment is entirely dependent on circumstances and family dynamics but it can be one of the greatest and most memorable acts of powerful loving parenting available.