Hi, I'm Bob...

Before 29 years as an Executive Pastor in three thriving mega-churches, I dedicated 20 years to a career as an architect and construction manager, leading projects across the United States, Europe and the Middle East. I currently reside in Louisville, KY, but over the years my journey has taken me across the globe. I’ve lived and worked in the incredible cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, New York City, Phoenix, Sacramento, London, Frankfurt, Dubai & Abu Dhabi.

On the personal side, I'm blessed with an amazing wife,

DJ who is an author, women's ministry leader, pastor's wife, extraordinary mother and loving grandmother. 


At our 2023 family reunion, Bob prayed a generational blessing over the family and handed the baton of family leadership to Pastor Scott and Dr Toby 

  • Ordained Pastor

  • Licensed Architect in the USA & UK (#3 below)
  • Executive Pastor of 3 mega-churches over 29 years including leadership of: (#1 below) - $20M State-Of-The-Art Worship Center with 3,000 Seats and full Campus Relocation in California and (#2 below) - $10M worship center addition with 1200 seats in Michigan.
  • Executive Pastor Network of Southern California 

  • Original Leadership Team Member

  • XPastor.org speaker & workshop leader for annual conference

  • Full Strength Network Original organizational leadership team  

  • Team & Staff Leader for up to 100 staff in both church and business organizations in the US, London & The Middle East

  • Directed and Implemented short & long-range strategic planning cycles including goal setting and tracking.

  • Developed Leadership Training Course with 300+ graduates including staff, elders, church and denominational leaders 
  • Developed New Organizational Models to handle growth, increasing complexity, and changing needs.

DJ and I are both so proud of our awesome married son,

Pastor Scott and his terrific wife Carrie; and equally proud of our incredible married daughter, Jenni and her remarkable husband Dr.Toby, as well as the joy of eight wonderful grandchildren who keep our lives vibrant and full of love.

 #1 Project Manager, Calvary Community Church Westlake Village CA

 #1 Project Manager, Calvary Community Church Westlake Village CA

 #1 Project Manager, Calvary Community Church Westlake Village CA

 #2- Project Manager, Gracespring Bible Church Richland, Michigan

 #3- Architect for Bank Building - Project Manager for London Office Building and Abu Dhabi Hotel